Where has the summer gone?!

Given the recent spell of weather we’ve been experiencing this August, it seems that it’s time to dust off your winter coat, grab your thick socks and start booking that ski holiday… winter is most definitely on the way. So instead of commiserating over a cold and wet summer, now is the time to start preparing for the weather to turn even colder! Energy prices are soaring and it’s becoming incredibly costly to heat your family home.

Home automation may be the answer you’ve been looking for.  This may sound a bit strange, one might ask, “How can home automation, something that requires power, actually save me money on electricity?” – and yes that is a fair question, but the answer to it is rather surprising… Home Control.

Home Control represents the next generation of home automation and is really what turns a standard home automation project into a truly smart home.  Generally speaking, home control encompasses three main areas; heating control, lighting control, and energy management/energy monitoring.  By linking all of these automation systems together you can eliminate waste, whilst at the same time increasing enjoyment of your smart home.  Additionally, the increased awareness brought about by energy monitoring, can help you go that little bit closer towards lowering your bill.

So why not invest in home control for your property before the winter fuel hike and make the most of your home at the same time.  For more information on home control systems, please get in touch with us at Your Smart Home (www.yoursmarthome.co.uk) or call us on 020 3397 3799.